I've been waking up early on M,W and F to play basketball with my bro-in-law Bob. Okay, so I've technically never made it on a Friday, and I usually miss the Mondays, and Wednesdays are tough too get up for too. Let me revise my prior statement: I have occasionally gotten up to play ball at 6 AM at the old church house. It's been a lot of fun, and nice to know that I can still run up and down the court without completely passing out. That is reassuring, especially since I haven't been out running since November 2007. I did run 1 mile last month pushing the boy around in the jog stroller. If only we could have this global warming kick in a little sooner, I'd be happy to be out early in the morning running up and down the hills.
Anywho, this getting up early reminded me of a time in the house I grew up in on Oak Grove. I have 3 older siblings who would wake up extra early for Jr. High and High School, and I had to wait for them to shower so I could get ready. For some odd reason, I would pull my groggy head out of bead with a blanket in tow. I'd lay down in the hall outside the bathroom and curl up under the blanket drifting off to sleep while waiting for the shower to come available. This routine became just that, very ritual and routine. Finally number 1 (Tara), stopped going to school. At this point in life, besides my parents, I had never been this closely related to someone who actually proved that school would one day come to an end. This was promising for my future.
With one less person to wait in line for, I could wait less time under that blanket in the hall. Of course, now my school was earlier as I advanced to Jr. High.
As I look back, I think the real reason I got up so early was not so I could ensure a healthy breakfast, unrushed and thoroughly enjoyed... no the real reason was so I could watch Fox's early morning cartoon lineup. Sadly, not much has changed as I advance into adulthood. While I don't wait in the hall under a blanket for the shower, I still wake up, grab some cereal and watch Fox in the morning. Unfortunately, they no longer have cartoons on in the morning, so I am stuck watching Damon Yauney tell me I need to wear a jacket on my way out the door.
Here is a picture of my mom's Easter Bunny roll. It totally goes with the story I know.